
Is your cemetery equipped for the future?
If you're planning to construct a new mausoleum, columbarium, or have an existing facility with unused space that you would like to convert into a revenue-generating powerhouse, our Glass Front Niches are the perfect solution for you.
Return On Investment
Glass Front Niches offer the greatest return on investment and sell at a higher rate than ground spaces or wall internment. Additionally, you can provide premium & feature niche sizes to customers at premium prices, and as niche inventory decreases, remaining units become more valuable and can be scaled in price.
Maximizing Use Of Space
Glass Front Niches can be incorporated into any new or existing space, regardless of size; including, corridors, unused office space, interior chapel walls, foyers, and many other areas.
Glass Front Niches can be personalized (something families love); creating additional revenue streams from the sale of vases, lights, plaques, memorial portraits, and many other memorialization accessories. This ability to personalize provides for greater uniformity and a pleasant environment for families to visit and pay tribute to their cherished loved ones.
Get In Touch
The quality and aesthetic excellence of our Glass Front Niches are superior to that of any other supplier. For more information and to find out how Glass Front Niches can work for your business, please contact one of our sales representatives by phone at (416) 759-5959.